Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bento for Baby 24: Pancake and Red Pepper Hummus Rolls

Baby Girl is home for the next couple weeks, so hopefully I'll find the time to catch up on the last few weeks of bentos before new school year starts!  For breakfast on this day Baby Girl had one of Dan's Awesome Pancakes, half a banana cut into chunks and one sunbutter oatmeal ball.  The lunch portion of the bento contained hummus tortilla rolls, organic blueberries in the green silicone cup and some cucumber slices and a few garbanzo beans in the blue silicone cup.  This was all packed into the small green tiffin from World Market.

I made the tortilla rolls by completely covering a 100% whole wheat tortilla with a thick coat of homemade roasted red pepper hummus, which I sprinkled with some grated organic carrot.  I then rolled up the tortilla as tightly as possible without squishing the filling out of the roll, trimmed the ends and cut it into four equal pieces.  I find the tortillas roll without cracking if I zap the tortilla in the microwave for 10 seconds before I put in any fillings.  Unfortunately, Baby Girl wasn't a big fan of the hummus rolls on this day.  She's been a bit skeptical of spreads lately.  I have to do a better job of giving them to her more frequently.

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